Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Burgers in Düsseldorf

I just returned from a fantastic evening in Düsseldorf. Two former students of mine that I have kept in touch with invited me for dinner at the allegedly "best burgers in Germany" joint. Being an American, I was intrigued and accepted the invitation. The burger really was quite delicious and I enjoyed it. The drive was not too bad (I've never driven there, only by train and it was so much faster!) and the ride home was beautiful as we were returning to Aachen as the the sun was going down.

I loved sitting outside in the comfortable weather enjoying my meal and Düsseldorf Alt bier. Being away from Germany is going to be harder than I thought. I'm already beginning to feel it hit, the finality of it all. This time next week I leave Aachen for a two week tour of Germany (Dresden, Munich, Rheinland-Pfalz and then ending in Aachen again) before departing on the 19th. I wonder how long I'll be away from Deutschland before I feel compelled to return.

My apartment is beginning to resmble slightly the shell of my former abode. Things off the walls, two boxes shipped (€65/$90 each) luggage slowly being packed, etc. I guess the good thing about moving is the catharsis associated with purging out the old and inviting in the new. Last day of work Friday (Thursday is a day off due to a visitor). Only two working days left. Saturday my 'abschiedsparty' or goodbye party and then taking care of the business that comes with living in Germany for two years.

I'm going to miss going for burgers in Düsseldorf.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Last call

This week marks my final week teaching English in Aachen.

My life is this whirlwind of thoughts, things to do, people to see, apartments to clean and pack. I hate moving.

Best experience of my life thus far. The people, the city, the language and maybe even the job itself. My 'to do' list is out of control for the next ten days. Couldn't sleep last night because of the nervousness, I hope this is not a pattern for the next while.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Political rhetoric at its best

I'm disappointed at the state of politics, I mean, who wouldn't be?

I tried to get some information from the GOP about their health care plan. They oppose the current package that is making its ways through the House and Senate committees. Understandably, the plan goes against many of the fibers that hold the GOP together. God forbid we actually do something for the people.


Now, offer an alternative fools! I went to the GOP website trying to get some information on how they propose to solve the crisis. First of all the GOP website has been under constructions since May 17th!!!!!! WTF!?! May 17th? Two months and counting. You are one of the major political parties in the United States. UPDATE YOUR SITE.

After much hunting, I did come upon this portion of the GOP's health care issues site....their 2008 party platform.

This platform was published over a year ago. They've offered no alternative to the American people for a health care system, but they have no problem whining, complaining and dare I say...bitching? I assume some kind of lame response will be a tax-credit to those who offer health care to their employees. Nothing comprehensive and no funding for any sort of system which would solve the dilemma. Just more party rhetoric and tax-cuts.

I have my reservations about the current health care package currently underway. But, at least its something. Its quite expensive to provide a system of comprehensive care for all. But as I read a comment in a forum somewhere, "not doing something is more expensive than doing something." The US currently spends more money ($1 out of every $6 is health-care related) on health care yet has the worst system among industrialized countries.

In comparison to the GOP site, the Democrats at least have update news on the health care package under their 'current news', front page and under agenda "health care for all." A quick search of the website, however, failed to deliver a laid-out spiel of what we can expect for people with this health care reform bill on the party's website in laymans terms.