Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Its in the post

I woke up this morning ten minutes before my alarm. Even though today I don't have to be at work until 10am, I find myself waking up at my usual 7:30ish before my alarm, no matter how tired I am.

I hate that I've trained my body to wake up, apparently, without external alarm apparatuses. This morning I don't think I made my coffee strong enough, it tastes a little weak. Boooo weak coffee.

Work sucks, so I've decided to be proactive. I've discovered a job in Dresden, teaching full-time for this private high-school for students who want to learn business skills and brush up on their liberal arts. It's part-time teaching, part-time organizing an INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM (whoooooooooooot!!!!). I want to do this so badly. They are looking for a native English speaker (check), someone young and motivated (check), experience living abroad (um, I got this one too), someone with experience teaching English (okay, still new to the game but check minus), must speak the deutsch (once again) and I don't know what else, but I wrote the most amazing cover letter, in German, yesterday and in a few minutes I'll be off to the post to send it.

I might beg or plead for the job. Just need out, thats all. I've decided that I am not happy in Aachen and that isn't going to change anytime soon.

Anyway, cross your finger, press your thumbs, sacrifice small rodents, whatever you have to do to send some good luck my way.

Other than that, I'm hoping to take a few days off in May and hang out at some German lakeside area with friends from FSU to paddle boat, drink beer, go hiking and other random German-like activities. Should be fun. Now if I can just get all of us organized enough to do it. Thats a task in and of itself.

I've decided to be more pro-active in my life. Because of the weather and my job, I've been feeling a) depressed b) sorry for myself. This must stop. So, list-o-crap to do:
a) Study for the Foreign Service Exam. Even if I don't take it for another year or so, I still want to be fresh. Besides, can't hurt to know the stuff anyway.
b) study my German book for two hours a week. Learn new vocabulary, memorize cases, improve my adjective endings, etc
c) Clean my apartment. The dust bunnies are formulating an attack plan.
d) Continue on my health track (I've lost seven kilos since February!). I've never felt/looked so good. :)
e) attempt to be more positive. I think that sounds good, I've already started to work on this and while nothing really changes, my heart doesn't feel like its going to explode.
f) Update my blog some more.

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