Dear Western Powers,
Wow. I want to take this opportunity to really hand it to you. You've taken the last twenty years of development and in just under a year have managed to throw it down the drain.
Never before has Western society been in such a predicament like we are today. Georgia is being invaded by a Putin (read: KGB) led Russia, oil prices are still high and any response by Europe will result in Putin turning off the gas valves this winter.
Then recently European investors have invested billions of Euros in Russia. I want to know who thought this was a good idea. How many Bulga Caviar farms do we need? You can trust the Russians about as much as you can trust the Big Bad Wolf. We've done it to ourselves. We've outsourced our economies, we've allowed Russia to take stock in our natural gas reserves and now our economies are under threat of recession and inflation.
So EU, NATO and US...what are you going to do? Tell Russia no?
Waiting for your reply,
Every concerned citizen, everywhere.
I tend to agree that the US military is spread so thin that it cannot get involved with the Russia/Georgia thing. Georgia cannot win a war with Russia either. But for the US to tell Russia to back off is meaningless too because we had no business getting into Iraq in the first place. We have blown an opportunity to really do something good in Afghanistan by becoming involved in Iraq. But it also tells everyone that we should not downsize our military as fast as we are because we limit our possible actions. In addition, we will have a very liberal president starting next January. Recently he stumped in Vermont, the bastion of Fascism without guns in America, where he talked to young people about doing public service. It is your responsibilty to do that. The kind of public service he referred to were things like the Peace Corp and other liberal service. He never mentioned military service. That was wrong. I believe that he will not raise a finger to squeeze a weapon trigger to defend America. And, that is far worse than George Bush invading Iraq. Eventually, there will be democracy in the near east thanks to his efforts. To not defend America is treason. But remember, Bill Clinton fired rockets at baby food factories in Africa because of actions by Bin Laden. Clinton did not defend Ameria either. Clinton and Obama won't defend America because they are afraid of offending their ultra liberal supporters. Both presidents and their defenders think America is the cause of all problems not the hope for the world. That is wrong and too bad. By the same token, Europe including Germany, will not lift a finger toward Russia either. After all America did to bail them out of WW I & WW !!, you would think they would learn to help out in the world. Afterall the world is still combustable. Not because of the phony global warning threats. Liberalism is a fatal disease.
Good for people to know.
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