In what can only be described as
ridiculous, I've paid eight euros in total to exercise my right to vote. Four euros to send the postcard to request the absentee ballot and four euros to post that baby back to the States. Either way, my patriotic duty is complete. I protected democracy by voting in the 2008 Presidential Election and other races for the Great State of Ohio. To the credit of Dayton area election officials, I received my ballot in less than ten days after sending the request form. Amazing really.
I did my research before simply voting. I researched the platform of every presidential candidate, state senator and city councilmen to the best of my ability. I even researched the platforms for Green, Socialist and the 'Constitution' parties. Honestly, there are some freaks out there (read: Constitution Party). Either way, my vote was cast today as I sent back my ballot (it weighed 80 grams!!!). I'm a good citizen.
Dresden was amazing. I love that city. The Altstadt, Neustadt and crossing the Elbe to go back and forth. It helps that I have many friends still there as well. It was tough coming back to Aachen. I'm going to try and make it out to Dresden more often. Its totally worth it. However, first, certain people from Dresden have to come here. Work is busy busy busy. I've got 44 hours of teaching time this week, not including Saturday (thank God). Next week I'm not accepting so many hours, escpecially if they're going to make me teach on Saturday.
I have so many thoughts on the election, economy and world news that I'd like to write about but I simply do not have the time. I need to be preparing for classes this week, the GRE, the Foreign Service Exam (pushing back till February...again!) and the German certificate exam that I want to take. I need to clean as a dirty bomb was set off in my apartment. There is crap everywhere.
In other news, I began reading
The Art of Travel by Allain de Botton, a British author. The book was a birthday gfit from my Mom and I'm loving it so far. I need to write some book reviews on some of the other books I've read recently.
I want to start my own library.