Saturday, October 11, 2008

And thus I declare my 2008 political dedication...

It's not like I'm some crazy BO fan or anything like that. I have my reservations regarding the aforementioned candidate for the 2008 US Presidency but I also believe that his competition is about as competent as a limp noodle. My candidates foreign policy could use some fine polishing but until I run for office 2020, there really isn't much I can do about that. Besides, the thought of Sarah Palin (aka COW) being a heartbeat away from the Presidency makes me want to vomit, profusely. Eight years of piss poor leadership, out of control government spending and international embarrassment have done nothing for us. I'm not interested in another four. Therefore.....

I'll probably piss off some people, but hey, it's my blog, my vote and my very educated opinion.

1 comment:

dasmensch said...

2020 - The vision is clear!