Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Oooh! Politics!

Today is one of those big days for international relations. I figure that this blog, which was originally created to discuss said issues, is a good place for me to update the world on my views on such important topics. Several things took place today of relevant importance. First, Laura Bush wrote an editorial in the Wall Street Journal which condemned the military Junta in Burma/Myanmar. Taking a role not common of this First Lady, Mrs. Bush delivered a strong condemnation of the regime even going so far as to say "The time for a free Burma is now."

Surprisingly enough, the United States has actually been among the influential powers to vehemently speak out against the regime. Usually, this type of opposition to a government takes months, if not years. I'm actually impressed. The UN as always has continued to drag their feet but along with a few European allies and Japan, the US has done a good job in calling for change.

Closer to my heart, the House Foreign Relations Committee narrowly passed a resolution which would recognise the Armenian Genocide of World War I. While I support the US government recognizing the murder of over a million Ottomans by the "Young Turks" regime, it will strain US-Turkey relations. Potentially making US military missions in Iraq more difficult if Turkey respons to the resolution by not renewing US rights to military bases in Turkey. The US Air Base at Incilirk is one of the most important military strategic points for US/NATO armed forces in the Middle East. During World War I, while the rest of the world was focused on the war in Europe, the abusive "Young Turks" regime (ironically, a bunch of old Turks) committed genocide against approximately 1.5 million Armenians. The Turkish government strongly denies claims that it ever occurred. Western scholars see this as one of the first genocides to actually take place. To understand this you must understand the definition of genocide, the history of the region and much more. As someone who studied state sponsored killing and genocide as a theme at Florida State under Dr. Robert Gellately (foremost expert on the field) I have strong feelings on this. I am glad the West has decided it is now time to acknowledge this, just bad timing. If you want to learn more about the Armenian Genocide check out the Wikipedia article here.


Work is busy and I am busy. Other than that, things are going well. I might go to Frankfurt again this weekend. Time will tell.

1 comment:

dasmensch said...

you inspired me

how can I add your blog? Is there a possibility?