My weekend in Würzburg was absolutely amazing. I haven't had such a good time since my friends from the States came to visit me. Dancing, BBQing, hanging out and walking around the city has never been so fun before. I'll post some photos in flickr soon. For those with access to facebook you can access the photos there. However at left we have the first official photo of the FSU Colony in Germany. Behind us is Festung Marienberg (Marienberg Fortress) with wine fields in front of it! It was an amazing time.
I was reminded why I love Germany so much this weekend. Germany in the Spring is glorious. Great weather, ice cream, hiking, grilling, it all works out to be einfach wunderbar! Even on the train ride home today I was constantly enamored by it all. The twists and turns of the mountains and the rivers were fantastic. It definitely makes me want to stay here longer.
I finally am beginning to understand why so many people like coming out here and just having a low key vacation or what not. I could get used to that life of traveling every weekend.
The combination weather and energizing with friends from home gave me a sense of renewed hope for my time in Germany and further renewed my desire to improve my German skills. I bought three German magazines this weekend and am impressed by how much I understand. :)
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