Thursday, May 8, 2008

What it doesn't take to get a drink in this place

I am plagued with the fact that all of my motivation to do work comes at the wee hours of the night. I've been more productive in the last two hours than I was the entire day. I hate this. Why do my best ideas come to me at 12:30 am. I should be in bed counting sheep, but no, I'm rather researching marketing principles to go along with Unit six of my classes textbook on new product development. Sigh.

In other terrible news, I received a letter from my dream job informing me that they hired someone else. Of course they did. I'm probably too young for the job. Germans are amazed that I'm only 22 and teaching, much less have a university degree. They think for some dumb reason one should spend the better part of seven years pursuing a university degree. Um, nein danke. So, too bad for that, however, the hunt continues. Other applications have been sent out.

Going to the German city of Würzburg this weekend to meet with the FSU Colony in Deutschland. I'm very excited to spend time with my friends from back home. I need some time to just relax. We plan on seeing a lot of old German stuff, eating great food, drinking great beer and going to Vineyards! The area around Würzburg in Franconia is known for its wine producing capabilities. I'm thinking bike tour through a vineyard.

Should be fun. I need this.

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