Thursday, June 5, 2008

Obama/Clinton 2008? WTF, mate?

The hotly contested Democratic Primary race has finally reached its final destination (well, sort of, its not really over until the washed out has been sings).

Now people are talking about the "power ticket" of Obama and Clinton. Now, I don't know about you, but this slightly scares me. First of all, I'd be afraid that once elected, Clinton would do her best to undermine Barack's security so that she can 'arise' to the calling originally put out for her. Vice-presidential succession and all. I don't know how I feel about this. Hillary has done nothing but spend the last six months convincing us that Obama was NOT the man to run for the White House and now all of a sudden she's going to be his running mate?

To quote the famous internet cartoon about the world blowing up: WTF, mate?

I hate politicians. Is she that desperate to get to the White House? Is HE that desperate? Surely there are better options that the Senator from Illinois should consider. I'm also interested in seeing who McCain's running mate will be. Either way, we can really only go up, can't we?

Today while driving back to the city from one of the suburbs I teach at, I got a hold of the US Army's 5th Signal Command Armed Forces Radio Network 89.2 FM. Apparently they broadcast from the NATO base out of Brunnsum, Netherlands. I had no idea. What was a shock was hearing Rush Limbaugh. What? Yes, you read correctly. So ecstatic to hear native English on the radio I listened anyway. He took some shots at both political parties regarding courting the 'base' voters. However, I'm not that desperate enough to start listening on a regular basis just yet. It was fun though to listen to Armed Forces Network radio commercials. Do you have what it takes to be an Army Chaplin?

Apparently not.

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