I've rather avoided updating my blog for the past few days for reasons that are even unknown to me. Mostly though because I've been terribly busy. I'm a bit peeved honestly. When interviewing for the job, I was told that most employees do not work more than two Saturday's a month.
I've worked three already and am working on the fourth this weekend. Last Saturday I worked for six hours.
This left me with Sunday off. However, my friend who lives in Frankfurt had to have her appendix removed as well (my FSU friends fear I've started a tradition in Germany). So I woke up at the crack up dawn on Sunday, caught a train to Frankfurt and stayed with her for the day then came back. I'm glad I could visit her. I know what its like to sit in a hospital room alone and in pain and in a foreign country. I was on Saturday, however, able to complete a load of laundry like a person who is living in the 21st century, complete with washing and drying the clothes. The experience was less than kosher but I live to tell the story another day.
I've also procured the internets in my home. This of course is what I like to call the "fauxnets." My internet connection is le ghetto. That's french for ghetto in case you were wondering. My connection is based on a city wide wireless signal. I have a G router pick up the signal and its plugged into my computer. The impending result: I must stick the router outside my window or right up against the window to even receive the slightest hint of a signal and when I am with signal, its about the slowest thing ever. It reminds me of my AOL days and makes me want to cry. Proof of this madness can be viewed here.I am happy though that I can at least do the simplest of internet tasks now. I don't know how long this will last. I might just scrap it all together and keep using internet cafe's etc, as much as that idea pains me.
The weather has been chilly here but rather nice. This evening though some clouds were moving in and it looked like it might rain. I need to decide what I am doing for New Years Eve. Suggestions are as always greatly accepted.
Sorry to hear that saturdays have been taken away from you. True, you have sunday to rest up, but one day a week off sounds less than fun :-((
They are paying you for the extra hours right?!
Other than that, teaching is going well it sounds like- you lean mean teaching machine!
That router picture was pretty ridic. Hopefully it will stay working for you!
Oh,like I mentioned on facebook, Aachen seems nice, and If i have the chance to move to Germany, it looks like a pretty decent place. I can deal with taking a bus everyday. I did it when I lived in Tuebingen for 4 months, and in Osnabrueck for 10 months! I am afraid im not going to graduate in December. That's the latest news. Waaaah! But I want my paper to be great, not half ass. Soooo I might need to stay one more semester, as much as it pains me to say.
try www.o2online.de
they have a nice DSL-offer, or
30€ per month and you don't need a Telekom connection, but you get your own landline...
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